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Thursday, September 16, 2004_


Thursday, August 05, 2004_

Charge it!

Friday, January 09, 2004_

I'd freeze my balls off if I had any

The Deep Freeze: My god, could it get any colder? A week ago, we Torontonians were enjoying temperatures of 10 - 15 degrees celcius. Today the high is - 20 C.

I guess I shouldn't complain but it's not like I signed up for this deal. When it gets bitterly cold, I blame my parents - couldn't they have moved to Florida or something when I was a little kid? Selfish bastards.

The good news is today is Friday and my first week back to work after two weeks vacation has finally come to an end.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004_

Does anyone speak Korean?

We seem to have gone over our hostess's bandwidth allowance, using 24 Gigs of bandwidth in December. This month, in just the first five days, we used 3 Gigs.

It turns out a few Korean sites hotlinked images from our Beautiful People section (featuring celebrities without makeup) and their pages have been getting thousands of hits.

The bastards didn't even link us!

Adding insult to injury, the one page plays the song Lady by Kenny Rogers. I'm thinking it's time for another Korean war.

It's frickin' freezing out there

We're having a bubblegum emergency. The boy insists he needs gum RIGHT NOW, and I'm trying to explain to him that it's not worth losing a toe or two to frostbite.

He seems to be questioning my priorities, not to mention my dedication to motherhood.

Those of you who don't visit our message board should not miss out on this bit of genius from one of our moderators, mi1k. On the subject of teabagging:

the cock is a perfectly normal, perfectly healthy, beautiful young man.

the scrotum is that man's disgustingly vile, criminally evil, perverted old grandfather.

the male taint is the stairway to grandpa's basement.

and yes, the male asshole is grandpa's basement. where satan lives.

now, i'm not judging people who want to play with grandpa, or enjoy seeing other people play with grandpa. i'm just telling it how it is.

also, if you are a homosexual male, do not be offended because this message does not apply to you. i dont know the proper metaphor on that one.

I wonder how many people first learned of teabagging through Sex and the City?

The best definition is from urbandictionary.com.

New Test

Damn that Rogers. Seriously though, I will call them from home tonight and see what the hell is wrong. Right now I'm busy as hell.

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Female. Lives in Canada/Ontario/Guelph, speaks English. Eye color is brown. I am what my mother calls unique.
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Canada, Ontario, Born in Toronto, English, Female.

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